IDEAL Mining Services

Super Electric Half Second Delay Detonators

Super Electric Half Second Delay Detonators (Ldd)

Long Delay Detonators have delay numbers ranging from one to ten (1 to 10) with a nominal time interval of 0.5 second between successive delay numbers. For identification delay numbers it is ensured that all the Detonators have delay number tag attached to one of the leg wires.

There are 9 types of Large Diameter Explosives, Namely:

Tube Material : ALUMINUM
Tube Length : 68MM
Strength : NO. 8
Tube Diameter : 7.2 ± 0.1 mm(O.D)
Lead Wire Material : GI / Copper Wire
Lead Wire Resistance : 0.75 + 0.10 Ohms/Mtr.
Length of Lead Wire : As per Customer Requirement
Nominal Delay Time
Delay No. Nominal Delay time
  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
  4. 4.
  5. 5.
  6. 6.
  7. 7.
  8. 8.
  9. 9.
  10. 10.
500 ms ± 150ms
1000ms ± 150ms
1500ms ± 150ms
2000ms ± 150ms
2500ms ± 150ms
3000ms ± 150ms
3500 ms ± 250ms
4000 ms ± 250ms
4500 ms ± 250ms
5000 ms ± 250ms
Fuse Head Characteristics : : (a) Resistance : 1.7 to 2.0 Ohms.
(b) Firing impulse : 3.2 milliwatt secs per Ohm.
(c) Minimum firing : 1.2 amperes DC current.
(d) No fire current : 0.18 amps applied for 300 Seconds.
Gross Weight : 20.00 Kgs(Approx)
Net Weight : 17.00 Kgs (Approx)


The Detonators are bound in bundles of 25 each. Such bundles (25Nos.) are Packed in wrapper (parcel) 40 of these parcels (containing totally 1,000 detonators of 3 meters wire) are packed in a Fibre Board case. Depending on the length of leg wire requisite number of packets are packed in fibre case inside with water- proof paper. Case marking provide for indicating wire length, type of wire and delay number. Higher lengths of leg wire are supplied at customers requirement.


Long Delay Detonators are designed for use in underground mining for driving shafts and tunnels, blasting raises and sinking shafts. In many cases they are used for stopeing in metal mines, trenching and other blasting applications. The longer delay period allows sufficient rock movement before firing the next shot.

Shipping Information:

As per IMDG (International Maritine Dangerous Goods) Classifications

Class: 1, Division: 1.1, Group: B, Un No.: 0030, Page No.: 1257, Storage Category: II TYPE 'C'

As per PESO (Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization) Classifications

Class: 6, Division: 3, Category: ZZ